Thursday, June 18, 2009

Edmonton Trip; and Cats' Progress

Edmonton skyline

Approaching Edmonton

Edmonton Jane Austen Society Gala

Reading of "Lady Susan" play by Beatrice Nearey

My hat prop

Beatrice, me and Angela at Book Nook

Book Nook cat

Walking in the Ravine

Fort Edmonton

Linda at the trading post

Furs, with skunk

Furs, white and red fox

At Fort Edmonton

The peony garden


Baby Pindar on red chair

Pindar at ten months, takes up more space, same chair

Baby Martial

Martial, ten months old

Baby Catullus on gold satin pillow

Same pillow, Catullus now occupying more space

Crouching baby Pindar

Older Pindar in similar pose

1 comment:

  1. I'm afraid there are as many photos of your cat children and friends as there are of Edmonton!

    Just teasing. It looks such a beautiful place of retreat, it could be a subject for an 18th century Georgic poem.

    I imagine getting together over Austen was really good too. I too find it's hard to post so much as we would like to.

