Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Pictures Tell a Story: Hiking in the High Country

Paul and I drove up to the little town of Lee Vining, overlooking Mono Lake, on Monday (made record time for us, 330 miles in 5.2 hours), and met our friends the Willemsens at the Yosemite Gateway motel, which overlooks Mono Lake.  This is the view at sunset.

We had dinner at the Mobil Station, which perhaps does not sound like the grandest thing in high cuisine, but it's actually a place with a lot of character and good food.

Sunset at the Mobil

Paul at the Mobil

Dinner:  prime rib, garlic mashed, fried onions, broccolini

Next morning we drove over Tioga Pass just inside Yosemite Park, to the Mono Pass trailhead.  Our destination was Spillway Lake at 10,400 feet, 7.5 miles round trip.

Paul and I at the start of the trail

Paul with Mike and Eleanor, our long-time hiking friends

Paul on the trail:  still some snow


Eleanor and I at Spillway Lake

It's tiring at the top

A cold landscape

On the way down:  greener meadows

Mike taking flower pictures


Remnants of an old cabin

Thunder is heard

And it starts to rain!

Hailing now, and I'm getting wet! 
Naturally it's the one time in ten I didn't bring my rain slicker...
And then we got thoroughly soaked fording a fast rising stream.  But it was fun!

Next day:  Sunny.  We're on the water taxi crossing Saddlebag Lake.

On the boat

Paul and our friends just before parting - us to go home, they to hike on.


  1. Wow. Photos sure are gorgeous! Makes me jealous here in my 100 degree heat.

  2. This is great! You both look excellent and nicely fit.

  3. Gorgeous! Thanks for letting live through your travels vicariously Diana. One day I will get back to the Sierra's. Until then, I have you.

  4. Nice comments and excellent photos.
    Congratulations to Paul on his TAship.

    Emma Lew
