Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Little Mammoth

Old friends together on the Rock Creek trail at 10,000 feet
Last week I drove up to Mammoth for a couple of days, to hike with friends Leelee and Mike, whom we've been hiking with annually for around thirty years now. I think we've been to each other's homes only once (they live up north) but we've met in national parks, mountain ranges and locations including the Canadian Rockies, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Washington and the Sierras. Knowledge of the most stellar trails of our lives, we owe to them. Here are some pictures from this trip.

Lone Pine, 200 miles north of Los Angeles, 100 miles from Mammoth
Manzanar, north of Lone Pine, where 10,000 Japanese Americans were interned during World War II

The long and winding road. Lundy Canyon.

Lundy Canyon, just before all the aspens turn gold

Quaking aspens

Last of the asters
Next day's hike, Rock Creek, out of Tom's Place.
Looking a bit like superannuated rockers...
  Another hiker's poodle enjoys the water...
And so does Mike's darling dog Emily

Hikers 4 Ever!

Long Lake

A rest among the gentians
The last gentians
On the trail back...

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